Senior Check Form

Senior Check Form

Students can choose one of our Legal Studies Degree Checklist (linked below) to verify progress and that they will be completing the Legal Studies Major by their expected graduation term. The Legal Studies major's requirements were updated as of Fall 2022. However, students can choose to complete the major through either form.


Once students complete the form, they can share their checklist with the Legal Studies Advisor at who will be able to confirm that they are on track to graduate.


Legal Studies Degree Checklist 1 (Original major requirements - 2 Theory, 2 PLI, 2 LS)

Legal Studies Degree Checklist 2 (Updated / current major as of the academic year of Fall 2022)


Please note that this checklist is only for the Legal Studies major. Students will need to check in with with their college for GE / unit verification. For double majors / minors, students will need to check in with each department.


How to Apply to Graduation

In order to graduate, students must apply through their MyUcsc student portal. This page here provides the steps of the process. 


Commencement vs. Graduation

Your college commencement ceremony and graduation from UCSC are two separate things.

  • At UCSC, graduation is the act of conferring an academic degree – receiving your degree or diploma.

  • Commencement is a ceremony, where you walk across the stage, symbolizing the end of your undergraduate career.

Graduation and commencement have separate online processes and timelines.


Apply to graduate (degree completion and diploma) for the quarter in which you will finish your graduation requirements. DO NOT apply to graduate for spring if you will finish your final graduation requirements in a subsequent quarter. However, you can sign up for commencement, which only happens once per year in the spring.

To apply to graduate, you must submit an application via your Student Portal by the posted deadlines to announce candidacy. For additional information about how to apply to graduate, visit the Registrar’s website


UCSC commencement ceremonies are held each June for students who graduate that year. See commencement for additional details.