Graduate Resources

Resources for our Graduate Students 

The Legal Studies Program strives to connect not only with our undergraduate community but also with graduate students by providing learning and growth opportunities. From reading journals in the field of law and society to participating in graduate student workshops, this page is focused on providing graduate students with resources that will support the growth of rising scholars. 


Interdisciplinary Resources at UCSC

Annual Events and Workshops 

Graduate students are able to participate in the UCSC Legal Politics Lab with Legal Studies Director Massoud along with other graduate students with interests in law and society. Students may also wish to apply for the UCSC Legal Studies Graduate Student Workshop (review the call for proposals from the 2020 workshop here).

Graduate students may wish to present papers at annual meetings, workshops, and retreats sponsored by the Law and Society AssociationAmerican Society of Criminologythe Consortium on Undergraduate Law and Justice Programs, and the Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities, among interdisciplinary associations in the field of law and society. 

Interested in hearing from fellow Graduate Students? Click here! 

Teaching Assistantships 

Legal Studies offers a number of teaching assistantships for lower- and upper-division courses in the Program. Students who are advanced to candidacy may also apply to teach as instructors of record (Graduate Student Instructors).  

Professional Associations and Resources

Journals in the Field of Law and Society

Here is a non-exhaustive list of journals in the interdisciplinary field of law and society.

Reviews of New Books in the Field