Honors, Pass/ No Pass and Additional Program Information
To be considered for honors or highest honors at graduation, a student must have taken a minimum of nine (9) graded courses in the major. P/NP grades are not included when calculating GPA in the major. “Honors” and “Highest Honors” classifications will be awarded to graduating students who achieve GPAs of 3.67 and 3.8 respectively, based on classes taken within the Legal Studies major. Per UCSC policy, generally no more than 15 percent of the graduating class earns honors or highest honors in the major.
Pass / No Pass (Major):
Students are permitted to take up to any 3 lgst courses as P/NP towards the major (this includes the lower-division courses and the senior capstone). If a student wishes to qualify for honors, the student should have a total of 9 graded courses in total (including all lower/ upper-division courses and senior capstone used towards the major).
Pass / No Pass (Minor):
Students are permitted to take up to 2 lgst courses as P/NP towards the minor. The minor does not have an honors candidacy.
Course Substitions:
Students petition up to 3 course substitutions for the Legal Studies Major (only up to 2 from Global Learning). Courses from Global Learning are not pre-approved; students need to email their Lgst Advisor the syllabus of the course once grades are posted on their portal. Syllabi are then posted up for review to the Legal Studies Program Director.
*Course substitutions can only be used towards the core course requirements. Students are still required to take at least 1 Theory, 1 Law & Society and 1 Public Law & Institution at UCSC.
Double Counting:
Depending on the second major/ minor a student adds to their lgst major, students may be eligible to double count courses. Courses that will be used as double counted should be marked in the student's academic plan and approved by both advisors.
*Please note that this list is only for students completing 2 majors or 1 major / 1 minor.
- Community Studies:
- CMMU / Lgst double major - up to 3 courses
- CMMU / Lgst minor- up to 3 courses
- Environmental Studies:
- Lgst / Envs double major - up to 2 courses
- Envs / Lgst minor - up to 1 course
- History:
- Lgst / History double major - up to 1 course
- Philosophy:
- Lgst / Phil double major - up to 3 courses
- Lgst / Phil minor - up to 1 course
- Phil major / Lgst minor - up to 1 course
- Politics:
- Lgst / Poli double major - up to 2 courses
- Lgst / Poli minor - up to 1 course
- Poli major /Lgst minor - up to 1 course
- Psychology (non-intensive):
- Lgst / Psyc double major - up to 1 course
- Lgst / Psyc minor - no double count
- Psyc major / Lgst minor - no double count
- Psychology (intensive)
- Lgst / Psyc double major - up to 3 courses
- Pscy major / Lgst minor - up to 3 courses
- Sociology:
- Lgst / Socy double major - up to 1 course
- Lgst / Socy minor - no double count
- Socy major / Lgst minor - no double count